Welcome to Further, Faster, in association with Montane. My name is Daniel Neilson and in these podcasts, I talk to ultra athletes, explorers and mountaineers to discover how they do what they do and why. In this episode, we talk to Martin Hartley.
Martin could be described as a professional photographer. But that doesn’t do him justice. He could be described as a polar explorer, but again, that doesn’t really cover what he does.
His photos have appeared in The New York Times and Outside magazine, he’s had exhibitions at Christie’s, Royal Geographic Society and the Scott Polar Research Institute, and he is the Director of Photography for Sidetracked Magazine.
He is a veteran of 20 polar expeditions, including trips working with the European Space Agency and NASA. And in 2009, he was named as one of Time magazine's prestigious Heroes of the Environment.
But he describes his proudest moment when his polar images were exhibited at the United Nations’ climate change conference in Copenhagen. Here his photography helped to influence the future of our planet on the most important stage of all.
And that’s perhaps the key defining message throughout his work. More than most people on this planet, he’s seen how climate change is affecting the polar regions. He also once took the FA Cup to the South Pole, but that’s a story for another day.
In this podcast, we talk about his enduring love of the Arctic Ocean, how he keeps trudging on after months on the ice, and the terrible effects of climate change he’s observed in the 16 years he’s been visiting the Arctic, as well as hearing about cutting-edge technology that could help the effects.
So how to describe Martin? Well, listen in to this incredible, fun and insightful conversation I had with him and you’ll be a little nearer the mark.
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