This week weather plagues the expedition, and Tim finally announces PROJECT 321's complete objectives.
Here’s a pano that I took a couple of years back showing the Lhotse Face and all the way back down The Western Cwm
This year the Lhotse Face is looking quite icy at the moment ... the snow from last week having been blown away. Currently, it’s fixed up to upper Camp 3 but the Climbing Sherpa fixing team will be trying to forge ahead over the next few days to The South Col - weather permitting. We really would struggle without the amazing support crew.
On the pano, there are a couple of guys making their way up the couloir to the SW Face route which was successfully climbed by Doug Scott and Dougal Haston in 1975... an EPIC piece of mountaineering. See if you can spot them.
10:47 Sorry for the lack of updates but
#EverestLinkIsPoop. Got to upper C2 in 5hrs from EBC. Here for a few days humping, dumping and fixing with my Sherpas.
12:32 Looking across to the Lhotse Face yesterday when it was a blue sky day.
08:38 We bagged all the kit, clothing and equipment we were leaving at C2 and popped it in to our mess tent which was then semi dismantled and covered with rocks. All our sleeping tents were taken down and stored for our next foray. It’s a slight hassle to put everything back together again when we return...but at least everything will still be there. Some teams weren’t as organised and, as such, have a tricky situation awaiting them on their next visit:
12:14 It was windy as anything up above The Yellow Band and the rope fixing team managed to battle their way to The South Col. A formidable effort especially against some weather coming in. Last night the wind got up somewhat. By early morning it was obvious that bailing back to EBC would be the best option for us. We packed all our kit for storage in the mess tent, the Climbing Sherpas dismant
led all the tents and we made a dignified exit.
12:18 A subtle change this morning from the wall to wall sunshine yesterday. We’re now at EBC for a few days until the snow clears and the winds die down.

This was taken above Camp 1 whilst descending the Western Cwm. Pumori is on the left, Gyachung Kang is way off with its head in the clouds and Lingtren is on the right.
09:37 Currently sitting out the minor blip in the weather (or a fairly major blip for those being blown about at C2 (S side) and ABC (N side)). Hoping to be back on the hill with my Climbing Sherpas again in a couple of days. In the meantime here’s a couple of snapshots from the Khumbu Icefall yesterday.
11:40 Very excited to finally reveal the details for Project 321. Feel free to spread the word. I hope that you’ll follow my progress over the next three weeks or so.